Friday, November 18, 2005

Think before you speak

Ever said anything that you wish you can take back. Yeah, I did one of those. Stupid is stupid does. Story goes like this, a business opportunity presented itself to me and the first thing I did was to say yes without thinking things through. Well, as you might guess, "After Further Review" ( Football term), it turns out that its more of a risk than an opportunity. Good for me that I realized it early on, bad for the person that I committed to. Now, my concern is that it will have a negative impact in our relationship as friends. I mean, after I realized it, and I had gone over it in my head a million times how I can make it work, but I just had a bad feeling about it. I even just considered doing it to save face. I swear, sometimes I wish I could just be a jerk about things and not care too much. I over analyze things that does not even warrant any analyzing in the first place. My life is complicated inside my head...I'm a chick...noooooooooooo!!!!!
So, life goes on. I will just have to figure out how to make it up incrementally. Some would even say don't bother or just move on, but you can blame my parents for making me a "Guilty" conscious person. Thanks mom and yah!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Someone needs to delete those gay spam comments. (Oh wait, it's YOUR blog, you should get rid of 'em.) Anyway, is this business venture the venture I think it is? Yeah, the reason mergers and acquisitions take so frickin' long? It's because people on both sides are spending all their time figuring out if going further 'together' will prove more beneficial than not. Haste makes waste.