So about 5 months ago, I went into EB games store and saw ads for the new XBOX 360. Now, a little about myself; I am the ideal target market for Microsoft and Sony game systems. I am in my mid 30's(Yikes) and I have owned practically every gaming system as far back as ATARI. Then I had CALICO VISION, NINTENDO/ SUPERNINTENDO, SEGA Genesis then DREAMCAST, PLAYSTATION I, PLAYSTATION II, and finally, the XBOX( I may have forgotten 1 or 2 systems in between). Most of the games I play are competitive sports games like football, basketball, golf, and even hockey. My friends and I at one point where playing for the right to keep a stupid trophy. We would play for hours and hours. We all had to work the next day, but we just kept playing. Looking back, it was just fun times.
The average cost per unit is about $200. This is not including the games, which mind you, cost about $50 each; I had over 100 games. If you do basic numbers, I have spent over $6,000. Now if you invested that money for ten years in the stock market and earn a modest 8% return compounding every year..... I am thinking I should have over $20,000 right now......and that, my friend, is in no way sad.
Back to my point; I was in the store looking for a used game when I saw the sign that said " XBOX 360 first shipment sign up". At first, I wanted to sign up like I usually do for these things. But for some reason I thought well maybe I had outgrown this. Maybe, I am more mature now and being a father and a husband...its nonsense and not practical. I mean, it was over $300 without even any games included. I could buy a lot of other things with that. The other thought was maybe on the release date, I can just go to any store and buy one. So, for the first time, I walked away.
A few months later, I went back to the store to waste some time and curiously asked how the list was going, and the salesperson said that they are on their second shipment date and that the first list is closed. I felt a slight panic in the pit of my stomach, but again I said to myself that I don't have the time and that I can always buy it after the hoopla dies down. But just in case, I put my deposit and name down for the second shipment list......Just in case.
A month ago, I was in another game store with my brother in law who inquired about the Xbox 360, and the salesperson arrogantly replies that If you where not on the first 3 signing list, then who knows when. In my mind, I felt a little comfort knowing that I had reserved one. All was well. A week before the November 22 release date, I received a call from a recorded message stating that I was on the second list, but unfortunately, Microsoft is not releasing as much as promised, so therefore I may not get a call till next year. I don't know why, but a sense of urgency overcame me, and I started calling around. The best anwer I got was "GOOD LUCK WITH THAT"
Again, I overcame my feelings and life went back to normal. The day before the release, I was at Best Buy returning something when I noticed a line outside the building. It was a line for the release of Xbox 360. I mean these poor souls will wait outside the store for a whole day just to buy this thing...That's just crazy. Then that night I was watching the news at around 11:30, when they had a report on these people all over San Diego waiting in line for the console. For a brief moment I said to myself...I can just hop in the car and down the street is TARGET, I can wait it out. But again, I stopped myself.
The next morning seemed calm. The day started with me dropping off my kid at pre-school, then I thought maybe I can just swing by Target just to see if by chance there are any left. When I asked someone, he literally laughed at me...."You poor little man you, don't you know anything? It sold out last night". That comment set of something in me. The rest of the day I spent calling and driving to every location I can think of. As you may expect, It was sold out everywhere....And I mean everywhere. My brother, who pitys me called his girlfriend who lives in South Dakota to find out if any one has them there. We figured......It's South Dakota. Nobody plays video games there. Turns out that people in the United States and even around the world actually plays video games. I mean I thought I was the only one....go figure.
Ebay is now selling them for over $1,000 (Smart people). I am not there yet. For now, I have to live with the fact that I had a chance to reserve it and I did not. Lessoned learned. There is one thing I realized....I am a gamer for LIFE. I will be playing these consoles with my children and eventually, my grandchildren. This is who I am, and hopefully the tradition continues with my son. My brother told me that its a part of my life that has great memories attached to them. I believe that.
I will continue buying the newest and latest console in the market, this time without hesitation. If your a gamer like me, Its not worth the stress. Trust me.
Hahahahahaah Told you so. Niggaz.
OMG, dude. I thought I loved video games. Geeeeezuz Grized.
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