The first sign was that all the hotels within a 5 mile radius of Disneyland was sold out. Fortunately, we managed to book a room a few weeks back. Another sign was that we where not going by ourselves. My wife ask both her brother as well as mine to come along. Sounds fun as well as extra hands, I thought to myself. With my son being 2 1/2, I needed all the help I can get. Now, I know my brother might read this blogg, but he will agree, right now, he is currently financially challenged, and a free Disney getaway sounds like a good deal. And oh, yeah, her brother is also financially challenged and is currently full time college student. With 2 separate hotels(Don't ask), tickets, ,meals( which I tried alleviating by bringing our own food of Pandesal with your choice of either tuna or ham; chips and drinks included), gas and financially those little nick nack expenses along the way, it ended up costing more than the trip to the bay area. Did I mentioned the fact that there where so many people at Disneyland, they actually had to stop selling tickets by NOON. Imagine that, I theme park deemed it necesessary to stop selling tickets because they just could not fit any more people in the park.....that is crazy.
But you know what, it was all worth it. When my son saw Mickey Mouse(which we stood in line for over 1 hour), his starstruck happy face was priceless. And when we tried leaving to go back to the hotel to rest, he did not want to leave. Overall it turned out to be a great time, and we actually all had fun. Especially after we got back and heard the stories from the in-laws who decided to drive to the bay area,with 8 hours each way, for Thanksgiving. Lets just say its the typical waiting for everyone and accomplishing little or nothing. All of a sudden, Disneyland wasn't so bad, in fact it might even be the happiest place on earth...for just that thanksgiving weekend at least.
You know, I can look back on my times of going with you, Jacob and Ate Elaine, along with P.J. to Disneyland... and think to myself... "I am in NO way sad."
BY THE WAY... someone's blog DIDN'T SAY 'husband' chode-wad! Go back and read it yourself. Jeepers.
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